Padma Skirts
Check out THE ORIGINAL Padma skirt! Padma is the Sanskrit name for the lotus flower. Padma is also the name for these amazingly colourful and beautiful skirts because they look like a bouquet of lotus blooms once they are in motion! Each skirt is a one-of-a-kind original creation, with variations in colours, embroidery and trim. Each skirt is hand-made in the Gypsy Dream Studio in SW Ontario. We have specially imported sarees from India that are handpicked for Gypsy Dream. The Padma skirt has four tiers of fabric, with the bottom layer measuring 12 yards (approx. 11 meters) around.
Length/sizing is as follows:
X-Short = 32″- 81cm | Short= 34″- 86cm | Medium= 36″ - 91.5cm | Long= 38″-96.5 cm | X-Long= 40″- 101.5cm
We love to dress troupes! Whether you want the same color, contrasting colours or complimenting colours, Gypsy Dream would love to work with your troupe! We offer a 10% troupe discount for three or more skirts ordered simultaneously. Custom-made skirts are available by contacting us.